The cornerstones of Market Makers, specifically our Mindset and Methods, were laid on each of those days. Over the rest of my own career, I abandoned every traditional sales training step and trick I’d been taught and began having a vastly different conversation on a vastly different level with my clients. A relevant issues conversation. It took time to develop, but that new conversation reshaped the way I went about my work as a business developer and Sales Leader. It created a better, more authentic connection to my clients, and as they had better results, so did I.
Over the course of my management and coaching careers, I put this into practice until one day it became clear this was what I really needed to do. So, we opened Market Makers to serve companies with something to give and a culture to uphold—to bring authenticity back into business development and offer a different point of view that shapes a different conversation for all to enjoy. Our Purpose is to transform what’s possible for and with people in the act and art of Sales. We’d love for you to join us in this mission.— Bill Keeler, Owner & Founder of Market Makers