Buying has changed. Sales approaches have not. That’s a problem, and that’s the disconnect. The disconnect between companies with something to offer and the modern buyer. And that disconnect impacts your revenues and your brand. Market Makers Purpose is to transform what’s possible for businesses and buyers in the act and art of Sales.
Our Approach: Tailored to
your Modern Buyer.
What We Believe
(...and why we think you should care.)
Buyer experience drives revenues.
Your company’s Sales system, approach, methods, people, and leadership need to provide an Unmatchable Customer Experience—from the start. Every time.
People buy benefit,
not things.
Competition is tight! And most competitors have or do the same thing. Your Sales Team's conversations about product knowledge need to inspire, not simply inform.
People don't want to be sold.
There is no such thing as “selling”, because there is only buying. The action step is owned by buyers who have the choice and make that decision.
Discover Your Alignment.
We follow three guiding principles in our work together:
Customer experience drives success for all. For Market Makers, our work together must be collaborative in every way. Our best clients are leaders who want to see change happen, but also want to be in the center of that change. We share the work of helping you continue to evolve your approach to attract your best buyers.
We’re not out to change your company’s feel, identity, or culture. We’re in it with you to effect change in the unique way that works for your company, while supporting your existing values—ones that reflect your distinct culture, identity, and voice. So, our work is never prescriptive or off the shelf. Our goal is to create results with lasting impact while honoring the company you’ve already built.

Inspiration. That’s the goal. Every customer longs to be inspired. Most business development processes don’t create buyer inspiration. That’s a miss we aim to correct. When your business development system and team create inspiration, the result is more “buys” from your best possible customers.
Who We Serve.
A small business is not the same as a “little corporation."
Small business resources, options, challenges, and opportunities are more sensitive.
Be bold and distinct.
Nothing great has ever come out of the status quo. Being bold makes you distinct. Being distinct makes you meaningful. Bold, Meaningful Distinction is the key to standing out from “like” competitors.